I have a little baby who seems to be allergic to everything under the sun. For sure it's eggs, soy, and now I think dairy. Poor little buddy has such a hard time seeing the other kids eat fun things like cheese sticks, crackers, etc. while he eats another banana.
The other day in a nursery I volunteer in, I was helping a baby about the same age as mine eat his lunch. There this baby was with his Wonder bread and Kraft cheese slices with mayo slathered in between. He also had a baggie of Cheez Its, and I started wondering, does this mom know how lucky she is to be able to give her baby anything to eat? To not have to worry if someone is going to sneak him a bite of a Three Musketeers and watch him break out all over his body, taking days to recover? I was a tad bit (or more) jealous of this mom and her baby.
Not even five minutes later, a boy about 2 years old came into the nursery. He had a feeding tube surgically implanted into his stomach, and his pouch of liquid food in a backpack dragging behind him as he weaved between the toys. The lady helping him into the nursery showed me how to disconnect his tubing after his feeding was done, and then told me about his short life experiences---on the verge of death soon after birth, needing a liver transplant and then receiving one with many surgeries before and after to rectify his defects from birth.
It's a strong word when you get it and digest it. Allowing yourself to really feel it searing into your soul with painful humility. Bringing me to my knees in gratitude for my blessings and the minor problems of my baby that are easily dealt with and remedied. How humbled and silly for me to feel put upon by this tiny inconvenience when others suffer so greatly. What joy it is to realize blessings in my life that I've been to prideful to notice. No matter the weather outside, this day will be bright and beautiful.
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