Friday, October 11, 2013

Seventy Times Seven

Tonight Goldie "accidentally" hurt Pinkerbelle, and of course P was pretty upset, so I asked Goldie to apologize, almost on autopilot. (of course after receiving the apology, Pinkerbelle emphatically exlaimed, "It's NOT ok!")   I hear a scream/cry/shriek of anger and my reflex is, "Who did that?  Say sorry.  Give hugs...."  But tonight I decided to wisely add a lesson.  I mean come on, we were in the Suburban eating Jr. Frosty's at 9pm, what better time for a life changing lesson?

I asked the kids, "Do you remember how many times Jesus said to forgive?  Seventy time seven. Do you KNOW how much that is?"  I turn to make serious eye contact with each child, driving home the point of being kind and forgiving.  All I saw were kids licking hands and arms, chocolate ice cream all over faces, and glazed over eyeballs.  Fail.  I start brainstorming on how I can be as dramatic as I can to really stick it to them, and my husband pipes up, "Hey guys, I think you're almost to that number, just a few more injuries and you won't have to forgive each other anymore."

Thanks, Daddy.  Appreciate the help.

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