Friday, October 18, 2013

Teaching Textbooks Review

Last year I had heard of Teaching Textbooks, some CD program for math for kids, but when I checked it out it was pricey!  So I decided to research it out, wait a little to see if it was really something great, and try to find it cheaper somewhere else.

So I waited for price to fall.  Nothing.  I checked Craigslist, Amazon, all the hot spots.  This program is holding it's value, there must be a reason.  So I look into it a little more.  After a year, I finally bought Level 4, full price, at a homeschool convention.  And let me tell you.  It rocks for my oldest.
Ramses loves computer games, but he's also a huge people pleaser, so when I gave him some math workbooks to work through, he grinned and bore it.  I could tell he was NOT loving it though.  So after a year of hard work and no complaining (ok just a little), I splurged and bought TT.  Ramses opened it and started it and hasn't looked back since.  I don't have to remind him to do his math.  He's either already done it or in the process.  He listens to the lecture at the beginning of each lesson, does the practice problems, and by the end of the lesson, he's mastered the concept--all while I was doing something else!  It's wonderful! 
He loves it so much he got Goldie interested in it, and she was begging me to do the program.  She's only in 2nd grade, but I told her if she could understand it she could do it, and she's just a few lessons behind Ramses now, and loves it just as much.
It is GREAT to have something my kids love to learn with, that also allows them to be independent, freeing me to fold laundry be with the younger ones. 
The beginning of the CD is a lot of review of past math concepts, but I'm letting them do each lesson as a solid review.  The lecturer's voice is decent, and the program is quite intuitive.  I have the big spiral workbook that accompanies the CD, but haven't busted it out yet.  Maybe I'll pull it out later in the year when they need more practice, but as for me recommending this product, I endorse it 100%!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Constitution Day

September 17th is a special day---it's my sister's birthday, for one.  And for two, it's Constitution day!  I think it's so important we teach our children about this important document and the reason we have it, and why we need to protect it.  Too many people have no idea how this document protects our God given rights, and keeps our government from becoming too powerful. 

Seventy Times Seven

Tonight Goldie "accidentally" hurt Pinkerbelle, and of course P was pretty upset, so I asked Goldie to apologize, almost on autopilot. (of course after receiving the apology, Pinkerbelle emphatically exlaimed, "It's NOT ok!")   I hear a scream/cry/shriek of anger and my reflex is, "Who did that?  Say sorry.  Give hugs...."  But tonight I decided to wisely add a lesson.  I mean come on, we were in the Suburban eating Jr. Frosty's at 9pm, what better time for a life changing lesson?

I asked the kids, "Do you remember how many times Jesus said to forgive?  Seventy time seven. Do you KNOW how much that is?"  I turn to make serious eye contact with each child, driving home the point of being kind and forgiving.  All I saw were kids licking hands and arms, chocolate ice cream all over faces, and glazed over eyeballs.  Fail.  I start brainstorming on how I can be as dramatic as I can to really stick it to them, and my husband pipes up, "Hey guys, I think you're almost to that number, just a few more injuries and you won't have to forgive each other anymore."

Thanks, Daddy.  Appreciate the help.